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Sometimes you need to learn to lower your expectations. Or perhaps, just let go and not have any expectations whatsoever.
While at dinner at Tamarine in Palo Alto the other night, my oh-so-wise married friend commented that sometimes you may just need to lower your expectations when you are dating. For all those childhood (ok, […]
Since it IS currently the header picture of my blog, it’s about time I post the recipe for the chocolate decadence cake. This cake scared me at first, I’ll admit. My staunch “I cook, not bake” attitude would be completely destroyed if I baked a cake, other than baking with my good friend Betty Crocker. […]
These cheesestraws are a quick and easy tasty treat to make, perfect for party appetizers. As an added bonus, they look as good as they taste. These were served at the Superbowl party (thanks Lauren), and as usual, guests ate them right up.
2 sheets frozen puff pastry (Trader Joes has some good ones), […]
A little week until Super Sunday and my fridge looks like I tried to cram a farm into it, which come to think of it, is essentially what I’ve done. Yesterday was my first Mysterious Thursday with Marquita Farms. A week prior, I sent an email reserving my box. We exchange cell numbers. I make […]
Last year’s Superbowl party was my first party to host entirely on my own. Since then, I’ve had the Fourth of July and the Second Annual Fleet week, both of which were pretty successful. This year’s party should be even more of a success, just judging by the fact that people were asking me before […]
As a self-proclaimed foodie, I’m on a personal quest to reduce the number of foods that I dislike. On the list of conquered food items we have avocados, tomatoes, and most recently, bread pudding. And of course now that I actually crave bread pudding, Dad made one just in time for a New Year’s dessert […]
It rained all day here in Northern Virgina. Typically, I like the rain. I find the pitter patter of the rain drops to be rather comforting, especially when curled up with a good book or fixing up a big pot of warm soup. But that’s in San Francisco. Where the temperature has about a 20 […]