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Happy Birthday. And remembering.

Happy birthday, little bro. 10 years ago, we talked about how this day would never be forgotten. Today, I remember 9/11, but even more so, I quietly remember you.

Most of the blogs today (as well as Facebook updates from friends and the news) are focused on remembering 9/11 as today marks the 10 […]

Changes ahead

Change is a funny thing. As a consultant, part of my job is to change the way people do their job by bringing in this newer (and hopefully better) software. They tend to despise these change and are usually quite reluctant to learn the new software and new ways of doing their every day jobs. […]

To the point…

This one will be short and sweet – food postings to resume shortly

23 years ago, he was born and I got the best baby brother in the world. Of course, I always liked to say that you were sent from heaven because they wanted it quiet up there. It must have been too […]

6 years.

Disclaimer: My favoritest blogs are ones that I feel like I have a friend on the other side of the Internet in addition to all of their pretty food pictures, stories and recipes. These are the ones that keep me coming back time and time again as I wonder how people are doing, even though […]

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

On the way out of Longwood Gardens this Christmas Eve where we were dazzled by the meticulous light display, I remarked to my mom, “That’s the most Christmas we’ve had in years.”

And indeed it was. Since the accident, we’ve been celebrating Christmas in a more simplistic way. Before the accident, I remember Christmas […]