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Proscuitto Arugula Fig Pizza

It’s cold and windy outside. You have very little food in your fridge and your microwave is broken. You have the beginning of a cold, you’re still sleep deprived from the holidays. So, what’s for dinner?

The little voice in my head tells me that I’m suppose to want soup. I should […]

Beet and cranberry bean salad

There are a handful of foods that I’ve always avoided not because I have bad childhood memories of them myself, but instead based on stories of friends’ childhood memories. Beets, brussel sprouts, lima beans…foods that I didn’t really eat (or was forced to eat) growing up, but that many people remember as being the […]

Conquered tomatoes!

Slowly but surely I’m overcoming my food dislikes. First, it was avocadoes (yes, I know, how could I hate avocados?). Now tomatoes, thanks to some delicious caprese from a restaurant I can’t remember.

It’s not quite tomato season, but while Mom was visiting, we ventured over to the Farmer’s Market at the Ferry Building. A […]


These cheesestraws are a quick and easy tasty treat to make, perfect for party appetizers. As an added bonus, they look as good as they taste. These were served at the Superbowl party (thanks Lauren), and as usual, guests ate them right up.


2 sheets frozen puff pastry (Trader Joes has some good ones), […]